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We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG
« Online: Fevereiro 24, 2015, 11:04:19 am »
Vi isso aqui num grupo de RPG da faculdade. Postando o texto original mesmo porque: preguiça de traduzir. :dancarina:

We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG

Genre: cinematic modern horror. Playing time: 2-4 hours tops.

  • GM supplies general setting of the game, e.g. Teenage Slasher or Suburban Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone creates a character accordingly.
  • List FOUR things that the character is especially GOOD at, such as running, driving, climbing, picking locks, survival in the outdoors, fast talking or decapitating zombies using only a vintage 1940s tea set. The GM must ratify these.
  • List TWO things that the character is especially BAD at, such as swimming, finding their way in the wild, avoiding alcohol, keeping their cool in a fight, or not flipping out in confined spaces. GM ratifies as before.
  • Everyone writes their name on a piece of paper and gives it to the GM.
  • The GM picks out one name at random. This person is the Survivor. No matter WHAT happens (except see below), this person will survive, so long as he is trying to. Everyone else will die. Without exception. Everyone. The players are not told who the Survivor is.
  • The game proceeds. There are no die rolls. The GM decides the outcome of any situation based on that ONE initial intervention of fate - the selection of the Survivor - and on the Players' selection of things that they are good at and bad at. If the GM wishes, however, she can roll dice in private to see which way a situation goes.
  • Even if a player is fated to die, they can keep that fate from occurring for as long as possible by simply being practical and efficient, as in any other game. If you run away from zombies, you may escape for the moment. Not being the Survivor does not mean that you get randomly hit by a bus within five minutes of starting the game. However, there is no way to tell whether, on any given occasion, you survived because you were the Survivor or because the GM decided that your actions were sufficient to let you escape. The only sure thing is that even the Survivor has to make an effort to survive. The difference is that the Survivor *will always* survive.
  • Because of this, the GM is at liberty (and is positively ENCOURAGED) to fuck with the players' heads as much as possible. Every narrow escape is a hint that the person MIGHT be the Survivor, OR is the GM screwing with you to make you THINK that the person might be the Survivor.

  • The Survivor's immunity to death covers NPC actions ONLY. It does not apply to Players, including the Survivor herself. Thus, any attempt to 'test' who the Survivor is, such as by having a character jump into a pool of lava to see whether he dies or not, or any action that the GM interprets as deliberately suicidal, revokes the Survivor's status for the duration of the test. That is, if you shoot yourself in the head to see whether you will die, you will die, whether you were the Survivor or not. In that event, everyone else will still die. The mantle of Survivor does not pass.

  • The mantle of Survivor *may* be passed to a new character if the Survivor deliberately sacrifices herself so that others can live. 'You go on! I'll hold the zombies back!' 'But you'll DIE!' 'I know. RUN!' etc etc etc.

Offline Roderick Usher

  • a.k.a. Heliot
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Re:We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG
« Resposta #1 Online: Fevereiro 24, 2015, 01:41:21 pm »
Seria interessante acompanhar um partida dessas. Imagino que tudo gire em torno de tropes dos filmes de terror, e acabe descambando pra comédia.

Re:We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG
« Resposta #2 Online: Fevereiro 24, 2015, 05:25:03 pm »
à primeira vista é um daqueles indies com gimmick "Cool. But gets old fast."

lendo com mais atenção.

Parece mais GM masturbation fest

Passo 1. Gm fala sobre o cenário.
Passo 2 ou 3. Gm aprova as coisas que voce pode ser bom ou ruim
Passo 4 e 5, Aleatoriamente..cof..cof..ou à escolha do GM. Alguem recebe imunidade de plot.
Sabe aqueles DMPC que ninguem gosta? Que tal dar a imunidade dele à um jogador aleatorio(ou a escolha do GM, já que ninguem vai saber)
Passo 7. 100% dos resultados são baseados no humor do GM. Não imagino como isso pode dar errado. Ele tem que matar, mas matar devagarinho.
Passo 8. Basicamente a desculpa pro GM mudar o escolhido pra ter imunidade de plot.
Nao nao, eu estava apenas zoando voces. Aham...

Um jogo que é basicamente, "vamos participar da história do cara, cujo titulo fala que nao importa o que fizermos, somente um arbitrariamente escolhido vai sair vivo"

Consigo ver o apelo

Offline Roderick Usher

  • a.k.a. Heliot
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Re:We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG
« Resposta #3 Online: Fevereiro 24, 2015, 05:49:42 pm »
Bom, muita coisa vai ficar a cargo do GM mesmo. Mas acho que não é necessariamente "GM masturbation fest". A ideia, pelo que pude entender, é simplificar as coisas ao máximo, e concentrar algumas tarefas mais pesadas nas mãos de um único jogador contribui pra isso. Se o grupo achar que o GM tá de sacanagem, é só escolher outro pra ser GM. As regras são simples o bastante pra que qualquer participante possa assumir esse papel.

Offline ferdineidos

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Re:We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG
« Resposta #4 Online: Fevereiro 24, 2015, 08:40:34 pm »
Acho que é mais um jogo rápido e descontraído pra todo mundo se divertir. Se o GM for um babaca, troca.

Eu sei que seria legal testar isso no próximo carnaspell
"Entre todas as tiranias, a tirania exercida para o bem de suas vítimas é a mais opressiva.Talvez seja melhor viver sob o olhar de nobres usurpadores do que de intrometidos moralistas onipotentes."

Re:We're All Going To Die: a single-page RPG
« Resposta #5 Online: Fevereiro 25, 2015, 12:45:23 am »
 Talvez dê para misturar com o Cthulhu Dark:

 Eu fico masturbando um lance de "só sobra um" por causo escabroso e termina com os PCs sobreviventes em um manicômio em uma aventura final que cause uma revelação cabulosa a partir do conhecimento da parada.