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post no L&L (faz tempo que não tem tópico disso...) sobre os patamares diferentes em jogo.
Começou ótimo!
It has always been true that the nature of the game changes as characters advance in level. E aí, ficou honesto. Demais, até... Estranho, isso.
The most obvious measure of that change is the spell lists for the various spellcasting classes. The impact of a 1st-level wizard casting a single magic missile spell each day is very different from that of an 18th-level wizard wielding a wish. Every new spell level along the way introduces incremental upgrades to spellcasters' capabilities.
he original AD&D game had a concept of "name level," a point in each class's level table where advancement slowed (or even stopped, in some cases). A 9th-level cleric (high priest), a 9th-level fighter (lord), a 9th-level paladin (paladin), a 10th-level ranger (ranger lord), an 11th-level magic-user (wizard), and a 10th-level thief (master thief) had more or less hit their peak. Beyond that point, hit point acquisition dribbled to almost nothing—only spellcasting continued to improve....
The Big Milestones
There's not a huge difference between 1st- and 2nd-level spells in terms of their effect on the world, but once spellcasters gain access to 3rd-level spells, things start to change. Suddenly, characters can fly, damage large numbers of foes with spells like fireball and lightning bolt, and even breathe underwater. Spells of levels 3 to 5 include some of the most iconic spells in the game, such as dimension door, confusion, phantasmal killer, cloudkill, cone of cold, and teleport, to choose just from the wizard's spell list. Acquiring those 5th-level spells—teleport, scrying, flame strike, and raise dead—is a pretty big milestone, too.Opa, pera, assim na lata?!
...e continua o artigo dizendo que as magias são o que muda um jogo em nível alto, como único parâmetro de comparação. Ok, nada de novo até aí, mas essa honestidade brutal me assustou.
Os comentários estão divididos entre a nova vinda do messias do RPG e dissatisfação com essa comparação. Temos vários:
"It's good to know that you've finally come out and admitted that only Full Spellcasters are actually people in this edition.
I applaud this brief lapse into honesty."
"Should it be a point of concern that the frame of reference for these breakpoints between tiers is spell access? It strikes me as a potential issue that certain classes (and only certain classes) exert so much force within the system that you have to design campaign progression around their *(and, again, only their) abilities."
""Mr. Wyatt, the entire discussion of tiers centered on spells and casters. I'd have liked to hear more about things that aren't spells.
Mas aí temos o verdadeiro cerne dessa postagem! Como isso vai funcionar em Next:
So we're looking at using those big milestones as signposts for changing tiers. Apprentice-level characters (levels 1–4) are still learning the range of class features that define them, including their choice of specialization. They're using 1st- and 2nd-level spells, and the threats they face are relatively minor.
When the spellcasters get 3rd-level spells, they enter the expert tier (levels 5–10). All characters have learned the basics of their class features, though they continue to improve throughout these levels. They face increasingly significant threats and their adventures might have larger consequences.
Access to 6th-level spells marks the start of the paragon tier (levels 11–16). Stakes continue to rise, and adventurers are set high above the ordinary populace. Then the epic tier (levels 17–20) puts them in an almost superheroic realm.Descobrimos que os níveis de aprendiz vão agora de 1-4 ao invés do inicial 1-2 e do anteriormente divulgado 1-3, colocando assim o poder de personagens das edições anteriores 3º níveis acima do que era). Eu sei que do ponto de vista do design é MUITO mais fácil criar aventuras e módulos para personagens sem recurso, mas...
...parece só preguiça de tentar desenvolver. O que eu acho estranho é que a ideia é colocar níveis 5-10 como "aprenderam o básico de suas classes". Esse tipo de jogo tem demanda lá fora, alguém sabe?
(versão tl;dr: Mago, você precisa ser dessa altura pro seu grupo passar!