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[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Online: Outubro 29, 2015, 01:35:41 pm »
Direto da EnWorld:

White Wolf, the company that originally brought us the World of Darkness RPG lines, has been owned by CCP (the Icelandic firm who produce Eve Online) for some years now. That company's plans originally involved A WoD MMO, but that go cancelled last year. As far as the tabletop RPGs went, these were licensed to Onyx Path, a company founded by ex-White Wolf staff, and also include Exalted, as well as the various iterations of the Vampire, Werewolf, etc. lines. Well, White Wolf just got bought by the Swedish company Paradox Interactive.

This means that Paradox - a computer games company, like CCP - now owns all those properties. There's no information on whether or not this will affect Onyx Path's tabletop RPG licenses, but Paradox - which calls this its "biggest investment ever" and cost "several tens of millions" of Swedish Krona (divide by 10 to get approximate US dollars) - is likely to pursue the video game angle. White Wolf is going to be operated as "an independent entity with a dedicated team."

Paradox's Shams Jorjani said "We’ve been huge fans of the White Wolf IPs for a long time especially World of Darkness/Vampire. Gonna be great to give it some fresh blood."

Also of interest is that Pradox's Fred Wester says that Vampire is "the world’s second best-selling role-playing and is special because half of all players are women." I'm not sure how true the first half of that sentence is -- Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder pretty much vie for the top spot.

“We’ve been negotiating with CCP for the last year on acquiring White Wolf Publishing and the underlying brands,” Paradox chief executive Fredrik Wester told GamesBeat. “They have sold 5.5 million books, and it’s still the second-best-selling RPG of all time behind Dungeons & Dragons. It adds a lot to Paradox portfolio.”

He also said, regarding licensing, "We’re going to start licensing out the brand again from the beginning. We’ll start with one World of Darkness. We’ll start, basically, from day one to unite the community under one flag."

Onyx Path development producer Rose Bailey said "We knew this deal was brewing, but can't talk about it right now. As far as I know, this includes all White Wolf games still owned by CCP, including both Worlds of Darkness and Exalted. It does not include White Wolf games now owned by other people, such as Scion, Trinity, and Scarred Lands." Onyx Path has been producing the tabletop RPG under license since CCP acquired White Wolf.

As far as existing licenses like Onyx Path's go, it looks like a period of reassessment is coming. Paradoz's Tobias Sjögren said "White Wolf will evaluate all standing relationships with the focus on continue to work with the ones that aligns with our vision of the brand, and also then find new partners to complement the story going forward." Shams Jorjani said "If it makes sense [Paradox] might publish some WW stuff. But our business will stay the same publishing great strategy, management and RPG games."

Here's the official press release:

"STOCKHOLM - Oct. 29, 2015 - Paradox Interactive, a global games developer and publisher, today announced the acquisition of White Wolf Publishing from CCP Games in an all-cash deal. Now a subsidiary of Paradox Interactive, White Wolf Publishing is a licensing business that owns and manages intellectual properties including World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Led by CEO Tobias Sjögren, former EVP of Business Development at Paradox, White Wolf Publishing will operate as an independent entity with a dedicated team.

White Wolf Publishing has a long history of producing gaming universes that span mediums, including tabletop and collectible card games, PC games and books. Paradox Interactive acquired all of White Wolf’s brands, and its new subsidiary will pursue development opportunities across relevant categories of games under the White Wolf Publishing name.

“Like Paradox’s games, White Wolf’s properties have dedicated, passionate communities. While there are similarities in spirit, White Wolf’s IPs have very different themes than Paradox’s titles, and deserve their own brand and team,” said Fredrik Wester, CEO and President of Paradox Interactive. “We have great respect for White Wolf’s gaming worlds and see big opportunities for their expansion in the future under our new subsidiary.”

“Over the last 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with beloved studios like DICE and Paradox on the business management side of games, and as a developer earlier in my career. I look forward to bringing my experience to bear as we pursue new ways to interact with White Wolf’s universes,” said Tobias Sjögren, CEO of White Wolf Publishing. “The White Wolf IPs are well suited for all kinds of media and we see great potential to expand them in the future.”

"At CCP, we have great admiration for the White Wolf brands and communities, and it was extremely important to us that the acquiring company share the same respect and understanding,” said Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP Games. “With Paradox, we know we are leaving the brands in good hands."

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Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #1 Online: Outubro 30, 2015, 12:12:32 am »
Nessa brincadeira toda eu só não entendi se eles vão lançar mais livros de RPG ou não.

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #2 Online: Outubro 30, 2015, 01:47:13 am »
Nessa brincadeira toda eu só não entendi se eles vão lançar mais livros de RPG ou não.

É difícil responder. Boa parte dos RPGs da White Wolf são licenciados pela Onyx Path (todo WoD e Exalted, por exemplo) no momento e como nenhuma das partes (Paradox e Onyx Path) comentou sobre isso, pode-se concluir que esse detalhe ainda está sendo negociado. Contudo, um detalhe importante é que a Paradox tem uma subsidiária (Paradox Development Studio) que publica ou licencia RPGs e Board Games, como Mutant Chronicles ou o que deve ser o mais conhecido por aqui, o "cult classic" Kult - e pode-se argumentar que a própria Paradox começou como uma empresa de RPGs, a Äventyrsspel, posteriormente Target Games.

Além disso, o site da White Wolf foi atualizado com uma mensagem. Um trecho dela:

Tonight, the original saga of monsters among us continues! On October the 26th 2015, Paradox Interactive acquired White Wolf Publishing and the World of Darkness. White Wolf is based in Stockholm, Sweden, with a brand new team and a focused vision. As a separate company owned by Paradox Interactive, White Wolf is dedicated to bringing its gritty and mature brand of participatory storytelling to fans new and old. This vision will be realized in multiple digital games titles, across a full range of media and immersive live-action events.

We have a deep respect and love for the fans and co-creators of the World of Darkness in all its various incarnations. We look forward to telling our stories and giving the fans everything they need to continue to tell theirs.

Our goal is to centralize all aspects of the universe to manage it with the love and care it deserves. We’re now focusing on re-evaluating our business relationships to make sure we’re working with the best creators, developers and artists on the planet!

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #3 Online: Outubro 30, 2015, 09:44:54 am »
Dá pra ter esperanças que vão continuar o MMO cancelado? Meu hype pra'quilo era altíssimo.

E que virão vários jogos de RPG das franquias do WoD?

Tudo o que eu queria era um jogo de LoA no nível do Bloodlines. A man can dream...

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #4 Online: Outubro 30, 2015, 01:17:27 pm »
Dá pra ter esperanças que vão continuar o MMO cancelado? Meu hype pra'quilo era altíssimo.

Eu não teria esperanças, porque se não me engano o MMO cancelado pertence à CCP, não White Wolf. E se saísse hoje teria grandes chances de ser um novo Duke Nukem Forever.

E que virão vários jogos de RPG das franquias do WoD?

Nisso eu apostaria. Não só a Paradox mencionou isso em todos press-releases, como é o provável motivo dela ter adquirido a White Wolf (ainda mais porque TTRPGs não são lucrativos a ponto de justificar o gasto de milhões de dólares).

Tudo o que eu queria era um jogo de LoA no nível do Bloodlines. A man can dream...

Eu apostaria mais em um novo jogo a la Bloodlines, devido a reconhecimento muito maior dos Cainitas em comparação aos Peludinhos. Mas hey, você não é o único que se interessa nesse jogo.  :)

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #5 Online: Dezembro 13, 2015, 02:10:39 am »
Mais um update na situação:

A Paradox basicamente "renomeou" o New World of Darkness como Chronicles of Darkness, efetivamente separando o World of Darkness (CWoD) do Chronicles of Darkness (Outrora chamado de nWoD). O que isso significa além de uma mudança de nomes? Não muita coisa. Além disso, saiu o "Novo" Livro para Humanos/Outro Livro Básico do CoD. Aqui está a capa dele (Olhe bem ao fundo dela e verá um belo easter egg):

EDIT: E também da EnWord:

It looks that the World of Darkness setting material will feature a shift from America to Europe, which makes sense coming from a publisher based in Europe. This might actually make the buy-in to the setting easier for many American gamers, since it will make the setting, for them, into more of a “fantasy world” and less of the “world outside of your windows.”

In addition to developing the World of Darkness game in-house, it also looks that White Wolf Publishing will also be developing new LARP rules in-house as well. From social media talk on Twitter and Facebook, it looks as though the new rules will take a nod from the traditions of Nordic LARPs, which will be interesting to see. I admit that I have never been one for LARPing, so my knowledge of that area is a hole that I will have to fill up in order to talk about it intelligently in the future.
« Última modificação: Dezembro 13, 2015, 02:17:55 am por Lúcio Quíncio Cincinato »

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Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #6 Online: Dezembro 13, 2015, 03:58:52 pm »
Aqui está a capa dele (Olhe bem ao fundo dela e verá um belo easter egg):
(click to show/hide)
This happens all the time. No matter how epic the battle, once begun, the thing sounds more or less like a bingo game: People shout out numbers and other people get excited about them.

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #7 Online: Dezembro 13, 2015, 04:40:22 pm »

Sim, é uma composição da capa do World of Darkness e do God Machine Chronicles, com duas engrenagens do God-Machine e o "Olho da Providência" dele ao fundo:

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #8 Online: Dezembro 16, 2015, 03:27:08 am »
Okay, alguns detalhes levemente inesperados surgem:

Embora tenha anunciado a Quarta Edição de Vampiro, a Onyx Path não será mais a responsável pela "Nova Linha" do (Classic) World of Darkness, mas sim a White Wolf (agora da Paradox). Do blog da Onyx Path:

Last, but by no means least, Onyx Path is continuing to publish the cWoD 20th Anniversary game lines. We will not be publishing the 4th Edition of the WoD game lines as we planned as that effort is being superseded by WWP‘s own efforts in the creation of their One World of Darkness. They may in fact call the next editions of the WoD game books 4th Editions, or they might not, but they absolutely need to be the ones pulling together the threads of WoD and creating a coherent single entity that can then be the cornerstone of the many licensing efforts they are working towards.

E o teaser da Paradox:

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Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #9 Online: Dezembro 16, 2015, 07:56:59 pm »
Eu... não sei o que pensar disso. Realmente estava gostando do trabalho da Onyx Path com o mundo das trevas... estou com um mal pressentimento sobre a White-Wolf/Paradox começar a mexer no cenário...
This happens all the time. No matter how epic the battle, once begun, the thing sounds more or less like a bingo game: People shout out numbers and other people get excited about them.

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #10 Online: Dezembro 16, 2015, 08:04:10 pm »
Fiquei apreensivo também, mas ao mesmo tempo sangue novo no cWoD seria bom.

E esse vídeo... nas partes de Lobisomem e Mago escorreu suor dos meus olhos.

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Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #11 Online: Dezembro 16, 2015, 08:14:30 pm »
E esse vídeo... nas partes de Lobisomem e Mago escorreu suor dos meus olhos.
Né? E isso eu acho engraçado... na época do boom do rpg eu conhecia muita gente que jogava vampiro e talz, mas atualmente não encontro mais ninguém que joga, em contra-partida só gente que elogia mago e lobisomem, e quase sempre elogia mais mago. Então, quão tendenciada está minha observação? Ou os jogos do mundo das trevas são menos jogados conforme eles tem mais fãs? E por que eles ainda insistem em vampiro como carro-chefe quando as pessoas parecem preferir muito mais os outros título (isso não faz o menor sentido, eu sei :P)?

Fiquei apreensivo também, mas ao mesmo tempo sangue novo no cWoD seria bom.
Meu medo nem é com o sangue novo, é mais com as decisões editoriais sobre pra que lado seguir. Tipo, o melhor escritor pode transformar uma ideia imbecil no máximo em uma coisa palatável e só, e pior ainda se tiver que ficar preso ao que outras mídias estão fazendo (tipo, isso tem de ser assim porque no video-game funciona desse jeito).
This happens all the time. No matter how epic the battle, once begun, the thing sounds more or less like a bingo game: People shout out numbers and other people get excited about them.

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #12 Online: Dezembro 17, 2015, 12:20:59 am »
Né? E isso eu acho engraçado... na época do boom do rpg eu conhecia muita gente que jogava vampiro e talz, mas atualmente não encontro mais ninguém que joga, em contra-partida só gente que elogia mago e lobisomem, e quase sempre elogia mais mago. Então, quão tendenciada está minha observação? Ou os jogos do mundo das trevas são menos jogados conforme eles tem mais fãs? E por que eles ainda insistem em vampiro como carro-chefe quando as pessoas parecem preferir muito mais os outros título (isso não faz o menor sentido, eu sei :P)?

Eu suspeito que seja apenas amostra enviesada, mas "chutando"- Lobisomem aparenta ter atraído o tipo de jogador entusiasta de dinâmicas de grupo e cooperação, a mesma "fórmula D&D" que parece ser bastante saudável para formação e manutenção de grupos de RPG, enquanto Mago por sua exuberância, tema incrivelmente amplo e sistema de magia praticamente free-flow (não que ele seja bom, ele é tão aberto e sem guias que ele funciona na base do Magical Tea Party - ou Magical Paradoxical Party) que atraiu um público entusiasta e fiel. Embora, Vampiro deve ter ainda mais fãs, por seu apelo midiático maior e por ter ao menos dois cRPGs com status de cult classic.

Aliás, falando em cRPGs, de um comentário de fãs aqui:

So taking that into account, combined with everything he [Martin, um dos donos da Paradox] said at the Tenebrae event this weekend and marketing common sense, I think that the possibilities for a CofD tv-show is bleak in any foreseeable future. WW want to put focus on marketing this rehashed 1WoD and it’s new grand scale metaplot with computer games, tv-shows and what not.


They [Paradox] already announced they’ll try to synch the release of a new edition with a triple A game, so, depending how these things go with the public, a TV series would be more likely to occur in some years. I don’t deny that it is probable we will be seeing more tabletop and video games before that happens, though.

Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #13 Online: Fevereiro 16, 2016, 05:18:30 pm »
Acabou de sair um nova entrevista com o Martin Elricsson, um dos responsáveis pela White Wolf. Trechos selecionados:

Could you explain the vision for the new setting and metaplot, and the “eastward shift” (focusing on Europe, Russia and the Middle East)?
”What if the monsters are real, hidden among us?”, is the elevator pitch for the new metaplot. Gothic-Punk is dead and buried as an aesthetic. All the Apocalypses of the classic WoD has happened. In 2001 the Gehenna-war for the graves of the Antediluvians began. In 2006 the rise of the Wyrm and the inevitability of ecological Apocalypse became publicly known. The Technocracy has won, we surrendered when we allowed machines to shape our values and minds, trapping us in the paranoid realms of our personal filter-bubbles. At the same time we are applying engineering to quantum mechanics, making magical theories manifest as Science, so all hope is not lost. In line with this we integrate dramatic real world events to feature prominently in the story. We face difficult social subjects like the rise of fascism, religious fanaticism and the death of ideology in mainstream politics, head on. This naturally leads us to focus on areas where dramatic change is happening. Also there are more books on the US of Darkness than the rest of the world combined.

When can fans expect to see the first products for these new lines from Paradox and partners?
There will be a release in 2016.

Will the Werewolves remain crypto fascist eco-terrorist?
More than they have ever been. Global Warming has released the Wyrm-tide. The end of the Impergium (ancient Werewolves hunting humans to keep their numbers manageable) seems like a terrible mistake in retrospect.

What sucks most (pun intended) about being a Vampire?
The obsession with self-deception and appearing moral or darkly glorious to their peers. Never being able to be truly proud of who you are. Even The Sabbat need to think of themselves as ”good” in their fight against the Cam oppressors and the rising Ancients. The need to play the (anti-) hero is tragic. At the end of the night they’re addicts to sex, blood and power, masking the pursuit of their next fix as part of some grand scheme or other.

Where did White Wolf “get it wrong” last time around? What are your least favorite parts of the IP?
Anything that smells of Fantasy. The attempt to create a deep mythology by linking the setting to Exalted was the worst choice ever. That was the last step in WoD’d death-march from being an artistic horror-IP to full on immature, escapist Urban Fantasy. The inability to deal with and integrate real-world events in the setting. If you can write about the Holocaust, you can write about 9/11. Fear is the death of creativity. The game was always best in the hands of storytellers who dared to place the story close to reality, often in their own cities, featuring real places and people.

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Re:[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox
« Resposta #14 Online: Fevereiro 16, 2016, 05:59:10 pm »
Also there are more books on the US of Darkness than the rest of the world combined.
Rest of the world = Europe, Russia e Middle East, lógico. Se precisar falar da América do Sul a gente fala da Amazônia e tá de boa.

O que nós teremos? Terrorismo! Terrorismo! Mais Terrorismo! Já falei... Terrorismo? Katanas! Terrorismo!

« Última modificação: Fevereiro 16, 2016, 06:01:11 pm por Smaug »
This happens all the time. No matter how epic the battle, once begun, the thing sounds more or less like a bingo game: People shout out numbers and other people get excited about them.