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Fichas M&M 3e
« Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:18:27 am »
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« Última modificação: Agosto 26, 2013, 08:11:24 pm por Konpaku »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #1 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:19:11 am »

Reisen Udongein Inaba é uma dos lendários coelhos lunares; ela fugiu da Lua para a Terra como uma refugiada da "Guerra Lunar" entre os dois mundos que começou em 1969 D.C. depois da "invasão" da Apollo 11. Enquanto fugia para Gensokyo, ela surpreendeu-se ao encontrar as notórias fugitivas Kaguya e Eirin, e pediu asilo em Eientei. Em troca disso, ela trabalha para e protege Kaguya e Eirin.

Durante Imperishable Night Reisen escondeu-se em Eientei para evitar qualquer emissário lunar que pudesse chegar à Terra e força-la a voltar para a Lua. Ela recebeu a missão de selar todas as portas dentro de Eientei para certificar-se de que Kaguya não pudesse ser encontrada por algum emissário lunar. Ele usou seus poderes de insanidade para impedir as heroínas de invadirem Eientei, mas foi derrotada. Os poderes de insanidade de Reisen vêm de seus olhos; ela usa-os para refratar e distorcer ondas, desorientando e confundindo suas vítimas com terríveis ilusões.

Talvez ironicamente levando em conta seus poderes de indução de loucura, Reisen aparenta ter uma das personalidades mais balanceadas e estáveis em Gensokyo. Durante Phantasmagoria of Flower View, ela preocupa-se com teve ter fugido repentinamente e mostrou ter mais calma que a maioria das outras personagens. Apesar de ela não saber o que está causando o incidente das flores, ela decidiu investigar, indo em direção a qualquer lugar onde as flores estiverem florescendo.

Durante os eventos de Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, ela aparece na Mansão do Demônio Escarlate para fazer perguntas, mas é derrotada pela Dama furiosa. Mais tarde, ela inquire sobre o destino que levou o Santuário Hakurei, e pergunta se os terremotos ainda estão acontecendo. Falhando em encontrar pistas, ela vai para Hakugyokurou com o objetivo de checar sua situação e perguntar para Yuyuko sobre a destruição do Santuário. Yuyuko contou para Reisen sobre a "cerimónia de conclusão" do novo Santuário, mas quando Reisen vai até lá, o santuário está destruído. Ela também encontra Yukari, que a proíbe de investigar o Santuário. Algum tempo depois da batalha com Yukari, Tenshi subitamente aparece e diz para Reisen que os terremotos estão simplesmente "bem".

Além disso, em Silent Sinner in Blue, suas antigas donas, as irmãs Watatsuki, nomearam outra coelho da Lua de Reisen, em homenagem a ela. (Mentira, elas não gostam de outros nomes!)

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Strength 2, Stamina 3, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 2, Intellect 3, Awareness 4, Presence 3

  • "Stare of the Haze Phantom Moon (Lunatic Red Eyes)": Affliction 12 [Psychic, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Defenseless, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Will (DC 14); Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere ] (12 points)
  • Farsight "In the Red Moonlight (Infrared Moon)": Invisibility 1 [Psychic, Total concealment from all visual senses; Activation: move action] (4 points)
  • Illusionary Blast: Blast 5 (13 points)
  • Moon Rabit Jacket: Jacket: Protection 3 (3 points)
  • Rabbit Senses: Senses 6 [Darkvision (2), Direction Sense (1), Distance Sense (1), Low-Light Vision (1), Ultra-Hearing (1) ; Innate (+1)] (2 points)
  • Flight: Flight 1 [Subtle (+1)] (2 points)

Standard Equipment
Light Pistol (0 ep), Undercover Shirt (0 ep)

Agile Feint, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion 2, Great Endurance, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Initiative 1, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 3, Taunt

Athletics 5 (+7), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+4), Deception 1 (+4), Expertise: House Chores 2 (+5), Expertise: Medicine 2 (+5), Insight 4 (+8), Intimidation (+3), Investigation 2 (+5), Perception 6 (+10), Persuasion 4 (+7), Ranged Combat: Light Pistol (Danmaku) 9 (+17), Stealth 6 (+11), Treatment 5 (+8)

Initiative +9
Danmaku +17, Damage 2

Dodge 10, Parry 7
Toughness 6 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 8, Will 7

Power Points
Abilities 54 + Powers 36 + Advantages 12 + Skills 24 + Defenses 18 = Total 144

  • Segredo: Reisen ainda se arrepende de ter fugido da Lua no meio da Guerra e deixado seus companheiros para morrer.
  • Mal Entendido: "Sou apenas uma coelhinha sexy", frase dita por ela durante o Incidente de Touhou Phantasmagoria of Flower View. Ser uma "coelha" acaba atraindo atenção indesejável para si, daquela forma que vocês estão pensando.
  • Tewi: Uma Coelha da Terra que ADORA pertubar com Reisen, sempre fazendo buracos para ela cair dentro ou zoando as coisas da garota.
  • Mestra Eirin: Eirin Yagokoro é sua mestra na área farmaceutica, e não costuma pegar leve com suas lições. Pra falar a verdade, ela até mesmo zoa com Reisen quando a pega desprevenida, amarra-a numa maca e começa a injetar todo o tipo de placebo dizendo que é algum produto não testado e usando-a de cobaia.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:25:20 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #2 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:19:45 am »

Mystia Lorelei

Strength 2, Stamina 4, Agility 7, Dexterity 7, Fighting 2, Intellect 2, Awareness 4, Presence 3

  • Voo: Flight 3 [Wings; Subtle] (4 points)
  • Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow": Dazzle 5 [Sight]
  • Alt: Danmaku: Damage 6 (11 points)
  • Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night": Blast 8 (16 points)
  • Wind Shield: Deflect 8 (8 points)

Evasion 2, Fearless, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative 3, Instant Up, Extraordinary Effort, Uncanny Dodge, Languages 1 [Japanese]

Athletics (+2), Close Combat: Claw 5 (+7), Deception 5 (+8), Expertise: Sing 8 (+12), Expertise: Cooking 8 (+12), Insight 5 (+9), Intimidation (+3), Perception 6 (+10), Persuasion (+3), Ranged Combat: Danmaku 5 (+12), Stealth (+7)

Initiative +19
Claw +7, Damage 2
Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" +12, Damage 6
Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night" +12, Damage 8

Dodge 13, Parry 8
Toughness 4 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 5, Will 8

Power Points
Abilities 62 + Powers 39 + Advantages 11 + Skills 21 + Defenses 17 = Total 150

  • Self-Confidence: Mystia's self-confidence makes her one of the only enemies that attacks as a midboss but does not run away to recover when defeated the first time, while another character who also does not run away after defeat is Yuugi Hoshiguma. Instead, Mystia immediately launches into another attack, firmly believing that she will win.
  • Hate and Profit: She hates Yakitori (grilled chicken on sticks) because she is a kind of bird. So she started a grilled lamprey stand instead of a Yakitori stand. (It was believed that lampreys had eight eyes and are able to cure night blindness.) She uses this as part of a con-act: she will travel with her stand at night, use her power to make unwary travelers night-blind, then sell them grilled lamprey, and slowly remove the effect as they eat it, claiming that the lamprey was what cured them.
  • Illiterate: From Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Mystia says that she cannot read the tiny letters on the newspaper. Aya takes this as Mystia admitting that she cannot read.

Design Notes
Um pouco complicada de fazer por causa de alguns erros meus, mas ela saiu. Mais informação sobre ela aqui.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:19:29 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #3 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:20:13 am »

Kedama (毛玉, kedama lit. Hairball) are a stage enemy that appear in EoSD and PCB Stage 4; as their name would suggest, they resemble white balls of fur. They appear in a number of fangames, being the most common enemy in Moedan and Tasofro's platformers Super Marisa Land and MegaMari and also populating the first floor in the dungeon crawler Labyrinth of Touhou. They also appear as the main only enemy type in Sanae Challenge! FUSION. In fanart, they are frequently drawn with °д° faces and associated with Lily White.


Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 2, Intellect 0, Awareness 2, Presence 0

Flight: Flight 1 (2 pp)

Close Attack 1, Ranged Attack 1, Teamwork

Athletics (+2), Close Combat: Headbutt 2 (+5), Deception (+0), Insight (+2), Intimidation (+0), Perception (+2), Persuasion (+0), Stealth (+2)

Initiative +2
Headbutt +5, Damage 2

Dodge 2, Parry 2
Toughness 2 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 2, Will 2

Power Points
Abilities 24 + Powers 2 + Advantages 3 + Skills 1 + Defenses 0 = Total 30

Ball of Fluff: São bolas de pelo. Com rostos.
Stupid!: Completamente tapados, se mexem e vivem apenas por instinto.

Design Notes
Não foi muito difícil fazer o inimigo mais chulé da série, mas que pode trazer riscos para humanos comuns, por mais estranho que possa parecer.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:28:51 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #4 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:20:28 am »
[Criado por "Saltcrow"]

"Danmaku is all about the brain."

Alice Margatroid アリス マーガトロイド (Alice Margatroid)- Touhou Project (12.3: Touhou Hisoutensoku); PL 10

Str -1/Sta 1/Agi 3/Dex 8/Fgt 3/Int 4/Awe 3/Pre 3

  • Puppet Mastery: 24-points array- [28pp]
    • doll placement: multiattack ranged damage 8
    • volatile doll: burst area ranged damage 8, quirk [burst radius 15-ft.; -1pp]
    • doll deflect: deflect 11
    • curse sign "Shanhai Doll": line area damage 10
    • intelligent doll: damaging move object 8
  • Setup the Puppets: add Indirect 3 (any point, fixed direction) on Puppet Mastery, enhanced Dodge 5, enhanced Parry 5, sustained protection 4- 17pp

Skills: expertise: magic 10 (+14), insight 5 (+8), perception 5 (+8), persuasion 4 (+7), sleight of hand 12 (+20)

Advantages: artificer, assessment, benefit (master puppeteer: use sleight of hand to feint), defensive roll 4, improved initiative, precise attack (ranged, cover), quick draw, ranged attack 4, redirect, set-up, skill mastery (sleight of hand)

Tough +9/+7 vulnerable, Fort +9, Will +11
Dodge +11; Parry +11; Initiative +7

Atk +12 doll placement, ranged, damage 8 (indirect 3, multiattack)
Atk +12 volatile doll, ranged, damage 8 (plus Dodge DC 18, 15-ft. burst area)

holding back: Alice does not believe in going all out, because if she loses using her full power, then there's nothing to resort back to. She often uses Assessment advantage until she is satisfied that she'll not be in any unforeseen danger.
power loss: Alice cannot use her Puppet Mastery abilities if she does not have access to her dolls. It would be a very rare occasion indeed.

Total abilties 48 + powers 45 + skills 18 + advantages 17 + defences 22 = 150pp

Design Notes:
-Alice Margatroid from Touhou Project series. The art is not from the actual Hisoutensoku game however, and is borrowed from a fan-made game, Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony. I love the art style used in the game and I think I'll take a few of those and make art-inspired original builds from them.

-her Doll Deflect is not actually the name of any of her conventional attacks/skill cards. It is used to represent her ability to send out her dolls to absorb hit.

-"Intelligent Doll" is also another interpretation of mine where she can send her dolls to grab onto and move objects and people alike.

-usually she needs to activate her C-button moves to setup the puppets in place for an indirect strike. I decided to treat it as a descriptor because she's supposed to be such a good puppeteer and a magician.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 02:07:40 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #5 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:20:57 am »
[Criado por "Saltcrow"]

"Subscribe to Bunbunmaru- it's now or never!"

Aya Shameimaru 射命丸 文 (Shameimaru Aya)- Touhou Project (12.3: Touhou Hisoutensoku); PL 10

Str 0/Sta 3/Agi 8/Dex 4/Fgt 2/Int 3/Awe 4/Pre 1
  • Hauchiwa Fan: enhanced Wind Control 4; easily removable [-2pp]- 2pp
  • Fastest in Gensokyo: improved initiative 2, winged flight 6, quickness 4- 12pp
  • Tengu traits: immunity 1 (ageing), senses 2 (extended hearing, extended sight)- 3pp
  • Wind Control array: 18(22)-points array- [22pp]
    • wind control: move object 10, subtle 2
    • gust fan: ranged damage 10
    • domination dash: line area damage 10, quirk [trails behind her; -1pp]
    • pelting in the night: multiattack ranged damage 6, accurate, indirect 2 (from above), triggered [next round]
    • wind standing of the Tengu: platform flight 2, ranged damage 10

camera: 1ep

Skills: acrobatics 8 (+16), deception 5 (+6), expertise: journalist 2 (+5), insight 6 (+10), investigation 5 (+8), perception 12 (+16), ranged combat: wind control 6 (+10), sleight of hand 2 (+6)

Advantages: agile feint, contacts, defensive roll 2, equipment, favored environment: airborne, move-by action, uncanny dodge

Tough +5/+4* vulnerable, Fort +10, Will +10
Dodge +13; Parry +13; Initiative +16
**does not include bonus from favored environment

Atk +10 gust fan, ranged, damage 10
Atk +12 pelting in the night, ranged, damage 6 (multiattack; triggered on the next round)
Atk Dodge DC 20 domination dash, line area, damage 10

greed: Aya is always greedy for more sensational stories and photoes to be put on the Bunbunmaru Newspaper.
reputation: Aya is well-known and sometimes despised for writing Bunbunmaru Newspaper, a paper filled with gossips and rumours.

Total abilties 50 + powers 39 + skills 24 + advantages 8 + defences 29 = 150pp

Design Notes:
-Aya Shameimaru as she appears in Touhou Hisoutensoku. She claims to be the fastest one in all of Gensokyo so I've built her as something of a speedster with her Winged Flight. ZUN (the creator of Touhou Project) often mentioned that Aya is his favourite because he shares her somewhat selfish personality.

-although she's the writer and the editor of Bunbunmaru Newspaper, the most popular newspaper in Gensokyo (mostly because all the other ones are even worse), she herself posseses little to no professional attitude in journalism. She often admits that she wrote false articles filled with rumours and speculations, even writing about the Dragon King's Palace under the sea. And there's no sea in Gensokyo.

Update 03/03/11: increased her PL to 10.[/list]
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:36:53 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #6 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:21:13 am »
[Criado por "Saltcrow"]

"Yes Eye Can!"

Cirno チルノ- Touhou Project (12.3: Touhou Hisoutensoku); PL ⑨+1

Str -1/Sta 2/Agi 5/Dex 5/Fgt 5/Int -2/Awe -2/Pre 4

  • Ice Fairy traits: shrinking 4, innate; winged flight 1, immunity 6 (cold, cold damage)- 16pp
  • Manipulate the Chill array: 24-points array- [28pp]
    • Cold Control: environment 8 (extreme cold; up to 1/2 mile radius!!), selective
    • Freeze!: affliction 8 (Dodge then Strength/Damage; hindered and vulnerable, defenceless and immobile), alternate resistance, cumulative, extra condition, limited degrees; linked damage 8
    • Icicle Shoot: multiattack ranged damage 8
    • Freeze, Touch Me: burst area damage 10
    • Midsummer Snowman: line area damage 10, quirk [Cirno moves with the effect; -1pp]
  • Radiate Cold: reaction damage 1, selective; environment 1 (intense cold), continuous, selective; protection 4- 12pp

Skills: acrobatics 4 (+9), close combat: Manipulate Chill array 7 (+12), investigation 1 (-1), perception 6 (+4), stealth 4 (+13)

Advantages: beginner's luck, defensive roll 3, favored environment: cold, improved initiative, move-by action, power attack, ranged attack 7

Tough +⑨/+8* vulnerable, Fort +⑨, Will +11
Dodge +⑨; Parry +⑨; Initiative +⑨
**does not include Favored Environment bonus

Atk +12 icicle shoot, ranged, damage 8 (multiattack)
Atk +12 freeze!, close, damage 8 and Dodge DC 18

Baka: the easiest way to win a fight against Cirno is to ask her a quiz and sneak away while she's so distracted. Any quiz will do since she probably won't know the answer anyways.
I'm the most powerful one there is!: no she's not.

Total abilties 34 + powers 52 + skills 11 + advantages 15 + defences 24 = 136pp

Design Notes:
-This is Cirno the Ice Fairy of the Lake, also known as ⑨("nineball").

-Yes, that's right. Her Intellect and Awareness are at -2. ZUN (the creator of Touhou Project) labelled her so in the manual of Phantasmagoria of Flower View and again in the Touhou Hisoutensoku. It is said that she can count no higher than ⑨. Her Presence on the other hand, is of a very high standard thanks in no small part to the fact she's a self-professed genius.

-she possesses other special moves including Icicle Sword/Ice Charge/Ice Kick etc (all strength-based damage 7), but the effect of Freeze! superseded them all.

-I'm not a big fan of letting Favored Environment overcome PL caps, especially when Cirno can create all the environment she needs to trigger it; with a Continuous effect no less.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:38:37 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #7 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:21:28 am »
[Criado por "Saltcrow"]

Youmu Konpaku 魂魄 妖夢 (Konpaku Youmu)- Touhou Project (12.3: Touhou Hisoutensoku); PL 10

Str 3/Sta 3/Agi 4/Dex 2/Fgt 12/Int 1/Awe 5/Pre 2
  • Half-Phantom traits: affects insubstantial 2 on swords, feature 1 (slow ageing)- 3pp
  • Roukanen & Hakurouken: 18-points array; removable [-5pp]- [18pp]
    • Sword Slash: penetrating 6 strength-based damage 3, improved critical 2, reach 1
    • Netherworld Reflection Slash: close-range reflect deflect 10
    • Lotus Stance Cut: line area 10 strength-based damage 6
    • Intolerant Avici: enhanced Athletics 8 (+15) limited to combat manoeuvres, improved trip, reach 1
    • Insightful Sword: reaction (to a successful Defend) 5 strength-based damage 2; improved defence
    • Slash of Life and Death: multiattack 6 strength-based damage 3, improved critical 2, reach 1
  • Phantom familiar whose name is NOT Myon: adds following AEs on Roukanen & Hakurouken array- 3pp
    • Medium's Bind: ranged damage 6, accurate 4, homing 2
    • Wicked Soul: burst area damage 6 linked to burst area affliction 6 (Dodge; vulnerable/prone), alternate resistance (Dodge), limited degrees
    • Strange Half-Body: shapeable area damage 6

Skills: acrobatics 14 (+18), athletics 4 (+7/+15*), expertise: gardening 11 (+12), intimidation 5 (+7), perception 6 (+11)

Advantages: agile feint, close attack 2, benefit (ambidexterity), defensive roll 5, evasion, improved initiative, move-by action, power attack, precise attack (close, concealment), ranged attack 4, takedown 2, uncanny dodge, weapon bind

Tough +8/+6* vulnerable, Fort +10, Will +10
Dodge +12; Parry +12; Initiative +8

Atk +14 Roukanen & Hakurouken, close, damage 6 (18-20 crit)
Atk +14 Medium's Bind, ranged, damage 6 (homing 2)

feedback: although neither confirmed nor denied in the series, it is generally accepted by the fans that Youmu and her half-phantom self-familiar (unofficially known as Myon) shares senses. Looking like a marshmellow doesn't help either.
responsibility: to Saigyoyouji family and the gardens of Hakugyokurou. She will cut down any intruders upon her mistress's domain.
secret: despite her heritage as a half-phantom (ghost), she's actually afraid of ghosts.
straight as a bamboo: Youmu has a very straightforward and focused personality, which often gets into conflict with other, more fun-loving characters (which seems to populate the series).

Total abilties 64 + powers 24 + skills 20 + advantages 22 + defences 20 = 150pp

Design Notes:
-This is Youmu Konpaku the Ghostly Gardener. Another one of Touhou Project series characters, she's quite a straightforward swordswoman as you'll get in the series.

-Roukanen and Hakurouken are the names of her two swords. They are not treated as Easily Removable however, because they're said to be too immaterial for a living being to hold while being too dense for a Phantom. Only a half-human/half-phantom (like Youmu) can hold and use it properly.

-Yes, Youmu's Ghostblade in the game, League of Legend, refers to her blades.

-basic "Sword Slash" may represent the following moves: Crescent Moon Slash/Heart Carving Cut/Slashing a Flower Upon One's Head
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:39:55 am por Atmo »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #8 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:21:43 am »
[Criado por "Saltcrow"]

"tsurupeta tte iu naa!" *hiccup*
Suika Ibuki 伊吹 萃香 (Ibuki Suika)- Touhou Project (12.3: Touhou Hisoutensoku); PL 10

Str 4[12]/Sta 6/Agi 3/Dex 2/Fgt 6/Int 0/Awe 0/Pre 2
Ibukihyo: feature 1 (unlimited booze)- 1pp
Manipulate Density array: 20-points array- [27pp]
  • Change Density: affects objects weaken toughness 10
  • Change Size I: growth 8 (Str +8, Protection +8; Def -4), inaccurate unarmed attack 4, reduced Toughness 4; enhanced Strength 4 limited to lifting (6,000 tons)
  • Spectre -Dense-: burst area 10 strength-based damage 6, quirk [hits only 15-ft. radius; -1pp]
  • Spectre -Thin-: summon 2, horde, multiple minions 3 (8 mini-Suika)
  • Gathering Oni/Kidnap Oni: burst area, close range move object 10 limited to inward direction
  • Oni Spirit Bomb: ranged damage 6, accurate 4, homing 2
  • Foot Bellows: leaping 4; burst area 9 strength-based damage 5; burst area requires both target and Suika to be touching the ground [-4pp] linked burst area affliction 9 (vulnerable/prone), limited degrees, requires both target and Suika to be touching the ground
  • Unpleasant Mist: insubstantial 4
Oni Traits: enhanced Strength 2 limited to lifting (3,200lb), enhanced diehard, immunity 1 (ageing), protection 6, leaping 1, speed 1, strength-based damage 3 (horns)- 15pp
Skills: athletics 6 (+10), close combat: unarmed 2 (+13), expertise: drinking 8 (+19* great endurance), intimidation 4 (+6/+18*), perception 4 (+4)
Advantages: all-out attack, close attack 5, diehard, extraordinary effort, great endurance, power attack, ranged attack 4, takedown
Tough +12, Fort +12, Will +8
Dodge +8; Parry +8; Initiative +3
Atk +13 unarmed, close, damage 7
Atk +5 unarmed, close, damage 15 with full growth
Atk +10 Spectre -Dense- damage 10 (or Dodge DC 20 if missed)
Atk +14 Oni Spirit Bomb, ranged, damage 6 (homing 2)
drunk: she's perpetually drunk thanks to her magical artefact "Ibukihyo" providing an unlimited source of alcohols. Although it does not hinder her fighting abilities in any way, it may interfere with her social interaction a little bit.
honour: as an Oni, Suika never lies.
obsession: Suika loves feasts and drinking competitions that she's most likely to leave anything else for later. This is often speculated as one of the contributing factors in the events leading up to the storyline of Touhou Hisouten.
oni weaknesses: as an Oni, Suika hates soybeans and cannot enter households with proper protection.
Total abilties 46 + powers 43 + skills 12 + advantages 14 + defences 21 = 136pp

Design Notes:
-This is Suika Ibuki the Little Pandemonium. One of my personal favourites along with Cirno, this happy-go-lucky girl is actually one of the strongest in all of Gensokyo (the stage of all Touhou series).

-She can create mini-versions of herself using Spectre -Thin- move. These little creatures don't do much except for getting in people's way and trying to land a punch or two against Suika's opponents. Most of the time though, they'll just end up soaking hits for her.
mini-Suika; PL 2/summon 2
Str 2/Sta 2/Agi 0/Dex 0/Fgt 0/Int -2/Awe -2/Pre -2
Horns: strength-based damage 2
Small size: shrinking 4, innate; does not provide Defence bonus [-1]- 5pp
Skills: expertise: drinking 5 (+5), stealth 1 (+5)
Advantages: defensive roll 2, teamwork
Tough +4/+3* vulnerable, Fort +4, Will +0
Dodge +0; Parry +0; Initiative +0
Atk +0 unarmed, close, damage 4
Total abilties -2 + powers 7 + skills 3 + advantages 3 + defences 4 = 15pp

-she has once said that she can move the entire Mysterious Mountain by herself. Being an Oni who could never lie (including exaggerate), it's quite possible that she actually can. While a PL 10 Suika certainly wouldn't be able to do so, she still has a very respectable lifting strength of 18.

Update 31/01/11: Increased her Summon effect (Spectre -Thin-) to 2 ranks. It still fits within the array and feel free to allocate 15 points as you see fit. I'm not a big fan of powerful summons, especially when they're summoned in bulks.
Update 03/03/11: bumped her PL to 10. She still costs 136pp though.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:13:19 am por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #9 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:21:55 am »
[Criado por "Saltcrow"]

"Kero-chan braves the elements!"
Suwako Moriya 洩矢 諏訪子 (Moriya Suwako)- Touhou Project (12.3: Touhou Hisoutensoku); PL 10

Str -1/Sta 4/Agi 5/Dex 5/Fgt 2/Int 2/Awe 8[4]/Pre 4
  • Child size: shrinking 2 (Def +1), innate- 5pp
  • Local Spirit of the Land: burrow 6 (subtle), enhanced Awareness 4, immunity 2 (ageing, breathe underground), leaping 1, protection 4- 22pp
  • Mastery over the Land: 23-points array- [27pp]
    • goddess of the ground: ranged damage 10, indirect 2, variable descriptor (ground/water)
    • pressurised water blast: multiattack ranged damage 6, accurate 2
    • lake of nature: burst area damage 10, variable descriptor (ground/water)
    • native god's curse: ranged affliction 10 (Will; dazed and impaired/compelled* and disabled), extra condition, limited degrees
    • Frog's Rest: Always Able to Hibernate: healing 10 limited to self, restorative, stabilise
Skills: expertise: local spirit 8 (+10), intimidation 7 (+10), persuasion 6 (+10), ranged combat: local spirit array 5 (+10), stealth 5 (+10), treatment 1 (+3)
Advantages: assessment, defensive roll 2, evasion, inspire 2, move-by action, ritualist, trance
Tough +10/+9* vulnerable, Fort +10, Will +10
Dodge +10; Parry +10; Initiative +5
Atk +10 earthen hand, ranged, damage 10 (indirect 2)
Atk +14 water orbs, ranged, damage 6 (multiattack)
Atk +10 native god's curse, ranged, Will DC 20
rivalry: with Kanako Yasaka, whom had taken over Suwako's shrine once.
Total abilties 50 + powers 54 + skills 16 + advantages 9 + defences 21 = 150pp

Design Notes:
-Suwako Moriya from Touhou series. She's a very tricky character to use in Hisoutensoku because of her erratic movement. Her sitting height is actually higher than her standing height, she leaps instead of walking and her dash consists of her burrowing underground and moving through the earth as though it were water.

-the Compelled condition on her Curse is a bit special. Think of it as a toned-down version of Transformed [gains Side Effect on all effects] where the attacker must save against half the DC of any effect it uses against Suwako.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 02:25:21 am por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #10 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:06:01 am »

Tentaculia PL10

Strength 6, Stamina 4, Agility 2, Dexterity 6, Fighting 5, Intellect 2, Awareness 3, Presence 5

  • Impervious Defense: Impervious Toughness (4 points)
  • Tentacle Defense: Tentacle Defense: Deflect 4 (6 points)
  • Suffocation: Suffocation 4 (16 points)
  • Elongation: Elongation 5 (5 points)
  • Extra Limbs: Extra Limbs 5 (5 points)

Assessment, Chokehold, Defensive Attack, Diehard, Fascinate 1 [Intimidation], Fast Grab, Favored Foe [Women], Fearless, Grabbing Finesse, Great Endurance, Improved Defense, Improved Grab, Prone Fighting, Seize Initiative, Takedown 2, Weapon Bind

Athletics (+6), Close Combat: Unarmed 9 (+14), Deception (+5), Insight 7 (+10), Intimidation 2 (+7), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion (+5), Stealth (+2)

Initiative +2
Unarmed +14, Damage 6
Grab +14, Damage 0, Ação livre e um tentáculo por vítima

Dodge 2, Parry 11
Toughness 4 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 9, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 66 + Powers 36 + Advantages 17 + Skills 13 + Defenses 18 = Total 150

Rape Women
Kill Men
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 02:26:44 am por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #11 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:07:21 am »

Marianne "Marah" Asuha

Strength 3, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 1, Fighting 3, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Presence 1

  • Salto Veloz: Speed 2, Leaping 3 (9 pp)
  • Sentidos: Senses 2 [Counter Ilusions; Subtle] (4 pp)
  • Troca de Roupa: Feature 1 [Quick Change] (1 pp)
  • Ténicas de Defesa: Protection 4 (4 pp)

Espada Número 1

All-out Attack, Equipment 1, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Tracking, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Critical 1, Improved Disarm

Acrobatics 6 (+8), Athletics 6 (+9), Close Combat: Sword 6 (+9), Deception (+1), Insight (+2), Intimidation (+1), Investigation 6 (+8), Perception (+2), Persuasion 6 (+7), Stealth 6 (+8)

Initiative +10
Lâmina Número 1 +9, Damage 6
Lâmina Número 1 +9, Damage 5, Golpe de Gelo

Dodge 5, Parry 4
Toughness 7 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 6, Will 4

Power Points
Abilities 34 + Powers 18 + Advantages 11 + Skills 18 + Defenses 9 = Total 90

Fobia: tem medo de insetos gigantes
Nojo de "Galãs": tem profundo desgosto por quem tenta ser um galã ou dar em cima dela, respondendo até mesmo de forma agressiva
Passado Sombrio: era violentada pelo pai e teve um filho com ele. Seu irmão matou pai e mãe após saber que Marah estava grávida.
Filho: seu único filho, Tenko, é a coisa mais importante de sua vida. Ela faria qualquer coisa para ajudá-lo ou mantê-lo a salvo.

Design Notes
Faz um tempo do caramba que eu a usei, e o final dela foi incrivelmente insatisfatório: uma porcaria de dragão azul que só podia ficar na forma humana a seguiu até a casa dela, quando finalmente conseguira voltar, e se instalou naquele lugar. O irmão dela, que deveria ser um bastião da masculinidade e fodice, e eu o fiz para que ele sempre protegesse a irmã para evitar que algo como o que o pai fez acontecesse de novo, fora interpretado pelo mestre como um puxa saco babaca, acatando as ordens do tal "dragão" e o deixando viver por lá. Aquela merda de final não me desce até hoje, por isso vou refazer a história dela. Completamente.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 22, 2013, 02:28:14 am por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #12 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 01:43:26 am »
Citação de: Saltcrow

Flareonブースター(bu-suta-; booster); PL 6- Pokemon series

Str -2/Sta 2/Agi 2/Dex 2/Fgt 2/Int -3/Awe 2/Pre -1
  • Fire-type traits: immunity 20 (grass, ice, bug and steel type damage; half-effect)- 10pp
  • Flash Fire: immunity 10 (all fire effects), enhanced Improved Critical: Fire 2 (quirk: must be triggered by a fire-based attack; -1pp)- 11pp
  • Moveset Array: 12-points array- [15pp]
    • "fire fang" strength-based damage 10
    • "fire blast" ranged damage 6- 1pp
    • "fire spin" ranged damage 2, secondary effect linked ranged affliction 4 (hindered/immobile), limited degrees- 1pp
    • "lava plume" burst area damage 6- 1pp
  • Natural Size: shrinking 4 (innate, permanent), movement 1 (slithering), protection 4- 15pp
Skills: athletics 6 (+4), expertise: survival 4 (+6), perception 4 (+6), ranged combat: fire blast/spin 4 (+6), stealth 2 (+8)
Advantages: close attack 2, power attack
Tough +6, Fort +6, Will +6
Dodge +6; Parry +6; Initiative +2
Atk +4 fire fang, close, damage 8
Atk +6 fire blast, ranged, damage 6
disability: as a pokemon, Vaporeon has a very limited vocabulary and may have trouble understanding human languages. Vaporeon also lacks the manual dexterity for fine manipulation.
weakness: fire type: as an fire type pokemon, Flareon takes an extra degree of effect from moves of Water, Ground and Rock types.
Total abilties 8 + powers 53 + skills 10 + advantages 3 + defences 16 = 90pp

Design Notes:
-Flareon, the flame pokemon, is the odd one out of the three classic Eevee evolutions in that it has a very powerful Attack stat and a moderate Special Attack, hence the difference between the two signature attacks.

-if you're not a big fan of Close/Ranged Combat: movement array, just add the same power points to put Accurate on those attacks. Works out to be the same, really.

-in the 5th Generation games, Flareon may have a different ability (if it's from Dream World): Guts enhanced Improved Critical: Physical moveset 2 limited to while under abnormal status effect- 1pp

-there wasn't much to update with this build, so after fixing the cost for Shrinking, here you go. Flareon!
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #13 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 12:51:45 pm »
Só vi agora, mas "Rape women, kill men" é MAIS QUE UMA COMPLICATION.

BTW (sfw, mas não parece, então, cuidado):
(click to show/hide)

Ainda acho que é PL demais pra touhou.

Blog do Lumine, PhieLuminando!
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #14 Online: Janeiro 22, 2013, 02:41:58 pm »
Só vi agora, mas "Rape women, kill men" é MAIS QUE UMA COMPLICATION.

É um monstro vilanesco, oras, claro que ele só vau querer fazer esse tipo de coisa; é o ponto fraco dele, digamos.

BTW (sfw, mas não parece, então, cuidado):
(click to show/hide)

Sempre uma Baka.
(click to show/hide)

Ainda acho que é PL demais pra touhou.

Algo que o pessoal fala e eu sempre esqueço é que os Stages não são uma forma de medir o verdadeiro nível de poder delas; algumas podem arrasar cidades com pouco esforço.
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #15 Online: Janeiro 24, 2013, 10:10:56 pm »

Yuki Konpaku PL15

Strength 4, Stamina 6, Agility 2, Dexterity 1, Fighting 8, Intellect 4, Awareness 4, Presence 1

  • Dead Woman's Skin: Impervious Toughness 4 (4 points)
  • Immortal Spirit: Immortality 4 (8 points)
  • Immunities: Immunity 37 [Critical Hits, Fortitude Effects, Poison, Sleep, Starvation & Thirst, Suffocation (All)] (37 points)
  • Spells: Magic 4 [Limited (Never in battle), Noticeable (Magic Circles)]
    • Alt: Fire Control: Energy Control 1
    • Alt: Glass Cape: Invisibility 2 [Total concealment from normal vision; Activation (Move Action)]
    • Alt: Little Devil: Summon 4 [Heroic]
    • Alt: Warm Clothes: Feature 1 [Clothes protect from extreme heat and cold.; Activation (Move Action)]
    • Alt: White Wings: Flight 3 [Wings]
    • Alt: Door of Medusa: Movement 3 [Dimension Travel, Trackless, Water Walking; Activation (Turn Action)]
      (8 points)
  • True Dress of Samurai: Aether Coat: Protection 5, Death Slash: Damage 10 [Strength Based; Accurate (1), Penetrating (4)], Speed 2 (22 points)

Favored Foe [Ayakashi], Improved Defense, Improved Initiative 3, Jack-of-All-Trades, Move-by Action, Prone Fighting, Quick Draw, Instant Up, Agile Feint, Defensive Roll 3, Languages 3 [English, German, Portuguese]

Acrobatics 8 (+10), Athletics 8 (+12), Close Combat: True Dress of Samurai 10 (+18), Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+14), Deception  (+1), Expertise: Ayakashi 11 (+15), Expertise: Housework 11 (+15), Expertise  (+4), Expertise  (+4), Insight 10 (+14), Intimidation 10 (+11), Investigation  (+4), Perception 10 (+14), Persuasion  (+1), Ranged Combat: Magic 10 (+11), Sleight of Hand  (+1), Stealth  (+2), Technology  (+4), Treatment  (+4), Vehicles  (+1)

Initiative +14
Unarmed +14, Damage 8
Death Slash +18, Damage 8
Spells +11, Damage 1

Dodge 4, Parry 16
Toughness 14 (Def Roll 3), Fortitude 6, Will 16

Power Points
Abilities 60 + Powers 79 + Advantages 17 + Skills 47 + Defenses 22 = Total 225

Hate: She hates all Ayakashi, and will not hold herself when fighting one.
Spirit: Yuki do not age, so she needs to move from one city to another every 20 or so years to prevent society comotion.
Boyfriend: She is a girl, after all, and have someone to ""aliviate her daily stress"". He is a 15 year old boy, btw.
Power Loss: Her spells need vocal activation.

Do conto Sou uma Shinigami. Ela é forte, e sabe disso.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 27, 2013, 09:27:41 pm por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #16 Online: Janeiro 25, 2013, 08:34:13 pm »
Reisen Udongein Inaba, version 2

Strength 1, Stamina 3, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 2, Intellect 1, Awareness 4, Presence -1

  • Moon Rabit Jacket: Protection 4 (4 points)
  • Moon Rabbit Senses: Senses 6 [Darkvision (2), Direction Sense (1), Distance Sense (1), Low-Light Vision (1), Ultra-Hearing (1) ; Innate] (7 points)
  • Flight: Flight 2 [Subtle (2)] (6 points)
  • Illusionary Blast: Blast 5 (10 points)
  • Farsight "In the Red Moonlight (Infrared Moon)": Invisibility 1 [Activation: move action] (7 points)
  • "Stare of the Haze Phantom Moon (Lunatic Red Eyes)": Damage 6 [Multiattack; Reach (3)] (15 points)

Standard Equipment
     Moon Rabbit Uniform (0 ep)

Agile Feint, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion 2, Great Endurance, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Initiative 1, Quick Draw, Taunt, Close Attack 2

Athletics 6 (+7), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+6), Deception  (+-1), Expertise: House Chores 6 (+10), Expertise: Medicine 6 (+10), Insight 4 (+8), Intimidation  (+-1), Investigation 2 (+3), Perception 6 (+10), Persuasion  (+-1), Ranged Combat: Danmaku 9 (+14), Ranged Combat: Pistol 9 (+14), Stealth 6 (+11), Treatment 6 (+7)

Initiative +9
Unarmed +6, Damage 2
Danmaku +14, Damage 5
Illusionary Blast +14, Damage 5
Farsight "In the Red Moonlight (Infrared Moon)" +14, Damage 5
"Stare of the Haze Phantom Moon (Lunatic Red Eyes)" +6, Damage 2

Dodge 12, Parry 7
Toughness 7 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 7, Will 7

Power Points
Abilities 40 + Powers 49 + Advantages 11 + Skills 31 + Defenses 19 = Total 150

Secret: With a past of ""abandoning her allies and running away,"" in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu gave her preaching about this. Thus, for more serious derivative works, the most usual case is the theme related to past that she left. However, since the lunar rabbits who showed up in Silent Sinner in Blue have been unexpectedly carefree, with things like discrepancy in her characterization between Imperishable Night and Silent Sinner in Blue, it becomes difficult to pin down her characterization precisely.
Misuderstanding: Some fans call her ""Zayaku"" (座薬, meaning 'suppository'), because her bullets look like them. Many, many jokes have been made about this, often of a crude nature. In addition, some species of plantains carry seeds that are useful for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, similar to the functions of rectal suppositories.
Eirin: She is sometimes shown as a nurse in fanworks in reference to her training under Eirin.
« Última modificação: Janeiro 27, 2013, 09:28:28 pm por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #17 Online: Janeiro 27, 2013, 09:21:21 pm »

Moh Shuvuu PL10

Strength 0, Stamina 3, Agility 4, Dexterity 1, Fighting 0, Intellect 3, Awareness 4, Presence 4

Demon Spells:
Dormina: Sleep 7
Zan: Blast 7 [Wind, Magic]
Bufu: Blast 7 [Ice, Magic]
Dia: Healing 5 [Stabilize (+1)] (53 points)
Wings: Flight 2 [Wings (-1); Subtle (+1)] (3 points)

Daze, Uncanny Dodge, Taunt, Instant Up, Defensive Roll 3, Move-by Action, Redirect, Fearless, Favored Environment [Cold areas]

Athletics  (+0), Close Combat: Punch 6 (+6), Deception 8 (+12), Insight  (+4), Intimidation  (+4), Perception 8 (+12), Persuasion 8 (+12), Ranged Combat: Spells 10 (+11), Stealth  (+4)

Initiative +4
Zan +11, Damage 7
Bufu +11, Damage 7
Dia +11, Damage 5
Dormina +11, Damage 7

Dodge 12, Parry 5
Toughness 6 (Def Roll 3), Fortitude 9, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 38 + Powers 56 + Advantages 11 + Skills 20 + Defenses 25 = Total 150

Power Loss
Aggressive with humans

Design Notes
Meaning "evil bird", it's the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
    —Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Compendium
« Última modificação: Janeiro 27, 2013, 09:34:17 pm por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #18 Online: Janeiro 31, 2013, 08:17:17 pm »

Type Angel - Arnval Mk.2 Tempesta PL10

Strength -8, Stamina 0, Agility 4, Dexterity 1, Fighting 3, Intellect 2, Awareness 1, Presence 0

Busou Shinki: Size: Shrinking 8 [Permanent; Innate], Robot: Immunity 1 [Fortitude Effects], Constitution: Protection 6, Robot Sensors: Senses 7 [Communication Link, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Darkvision, Time Sense, Extended (Vision); Innate], Small Strength: Power-Lifting 9
Armor [Quirk: Easily Removable]:
     Flight Mode: Flight 3 [Wings]
     Alt: Laser Sword: Strike 8
     Alt: Cannon: Blast 4
     Alt: Speed 3 [Linked (Flight)]

Agile Feint, Attractive 1, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative 2, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery [House Chores], Weapon Break, Improved Smash, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 1

Athletics  (+-8), Close Combat: Laser Sword 9 (+12), Deception  (+0), Expertise: House Chores 8 (+10), Expertise: Battle Knowledge 6 (+8), Insight 4 (+5), Intimidation: Note: Perm Shrinking mod included.  (+-4), Investigation 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+7), Persuasion  (+0), Ranged Combat: Cannon 9 (+10), Stealth: Note: Perm Shrinking mod included. 4 (+16), Technology 4 (+6)

Initiative +12
Laser Sword +12, Damage 8
Cannon +10, Damage 4

Dodge 12, Parry 12
Toughness 7 (Def Roll 1), Fortitude 0, Will 7

Power Points
Abilities 22 + Powers 63 + Advantages 13 + Skills 27 + Defenses 15 = Total 140

Devotion: She will only follows her Master orders.
Batery: She needs some time of rest in a charger. Some homemade chargers also works.

Design Notes
ºAh, Arnval Mk.2 Tempesta, one of my favorite Busou Shinki. She is small, 15 cm tall, and very hardworker, something i really wants in my house; she fights, cooks, put the garbage out and is pretty. Hey, i'm not saying i don't want a real girlfriend, but Busou Shinki is some kind of "Pokemon", if you really want to comparate.

ºSmall as she is, her damage output with grown-up humans should be ridiculous low, like itching or some kid slapping you. In Shinki vs Shinki battles, however, things go wild! They're ferocious, fast and strong, something you CAN'T underestimate.

ºDid i say them are REALLY attached to hers Masters? They look like some private and submissive slaves, 15 cm tall, but still.

"The latest iteration of Arnval, probably the most re-designed Busou Shinki so far alongside her wave mate Strarf. Unlike all of the prior release though, Arnval Mk2's regular release is actually the black repaint version, while the original white colour Arnval Mk2 is actually a special bundle release.

So what do you get from this Mk2 release? Arnval Mk2 comes in the from od MMS 3rd Tall body, 3 facial expression (normal, sleeping, shouting), 3 hairstyle (short hair, tied up, and long tail), and enough armor pieces that you will struggle to decide where to mount them on. Officially on the instruction 2 configurations are offered: Pegasus and Unicorn Mode.

Pegasus Mode seems to be gun based, with the big gun on the left arm and a underarm mounted carbine-esque beam gun on the right arm. Unicorn Mode on the other hand looks to be melee orientated, with a large beam blade and a thick shield as main armament. But beside all ther, there are also 2 beam saber, 2 daggers and 4 remote sword bits (2 activated, 2 inactive) to play around with.

Also in the instruction is the armor vehicle mode. However, the one created following the instruction is a bit dull, so the picture shown above is a configuration I thought up, having decided to try showing all the beam effect parts in one go.

The Tempesta released also offer several new bonus parts into the mix, with an add on blade for the carbine, new pointed end piece for the leg armors and a new style of head gear.

Now here is the one and only complain I have: she is expensive. compared to the original Arnval, she is easily 2500yen more. This really could put buyer off if they are new to the franchise. For those who collect Busou Shinki though, this is probably one of the must have.

Unless you are rich and decide to get the PSP's Busou shinki Battle Master 2 + Arnval + Strarf Bundle of course.... "
« Última modificação: Fevereiro 03, 2013, 01:01:20 pm por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #19 Online: Fevereiro 03, 2013, 01:50:34 am »

Rie Ichigawa (the Seirei who dies first in Sou uma Shinigami)

Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 1/7, Awareness 0, Presence 3

Fallen Bow: Fast Shot: Blast 6 [Multiattack; Removable (-2)]
Spells: Magic Shield: Nullify 6 [Magic]
     Alt: Heal: Healing 6
Armor: Cold Jacket: Protection 6 [Removable (-1)]
Mental Expansion: Math Processor: Quickness 6 [Limited to one Type (Mental)], Math Knowledge: Enhanced Intellect 6 [Limited (Only in schools)]

Favored Foe [Shinigami], Improved Trip, Tracking, Great Endurance, Jack-of-All-Trades, Precise Attack 1

Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics  (+0), Deception  (+3), Expertise: Advanced Math 6 (+7), Insight 2 (+2), Intimidation  (+3), Investigation  (+1), Perception 4 (+4), Persuasion  (+3), Ranged Combat: Archery 4 (+6), Sleight of Hand  (+2), Stealth  (+2), Technology  (+1), Treatment  (+1), Vehicles  (+2)

Initiative +2
Archery +6, Damage 6

Dodge 6, Parry 5
Toughness 6 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 5, Will 3

Power Points
Abilities 16 + Powers 35 + Advantages 6 + Skills 10 + Defenses 17 = Total 84

Children Safety First: As a teacher, Rie will take care of her students first, or sacrifice herself for them if needed.
Ayakashi: As an Ayakashi, she is a monster. They need human flesh to survive, and will look for it every week, preferably at night.

Design Notes
The first one to die in Sou uma Shinigami story. She is a teacher in the same city Yuki resides and only gets caught by her when Rie don't conceals her identity in that fateful night.
« Última modificação: Fevereiro 03, 2013, 01:00:58 pm por Atmo »
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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #20 Online: Fevereiro 12, 2013, 10:54:46 pm »


Strength 4, Stamina 6, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 5, Intellect 3, Awareness 0, Presence 0

Agi: Blast 4
Sukunda: Weaken 4 [Dodge]
Feral Claw: Strike 3
Null Wind: Immunity 4 [Wind damage; Sustained]
Marin Karin: Affliction 4 [Compeled, Controlled; Limited Degree]

Improved Initiative 2, All-out Attack, Diehard, Improved Defense, Defensive Attack, Takedown 2, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 8 (+13), Athletics 8 (+12), Close Combat: Claw 4 (+9), Deception 8 (+8), Insight  (+0), Intimidation  (+0), Investigation 8 (+11), Perception  (+0), Persuasion  (+0), Ranged Combat: Magic 8 (+8), Stealth 8 (+13)

Initiative +13
Claw +9, Damage 5
Agi +8, Damage 6

Dodge 7, Parry 9
Toughness 6 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 8, Will 4

Power Points
Abilities 46 + Powers 21 + Advantages 9 + Skills 26 + Defenses 12 = Total 114

Power Loss: If Bakeneko is unable to move, her Spells can't be used.
Weak to Fire attacks: She is vulnerable to Fire spells and attacks.
Vengeful: They will chase and haunt their last owners, killing them in the process.

Design Notes
°Bakeneko (化け猫, ""monster-cat""), in Japanese folklore, refers to cat yōkai (spiritual beings) with supernatural abilities akin to those of the kitsune (fox) or tanuki (raccoon dog). There are a number of superstitions that detail how ordinary cat may transform into a bakeneko. Bakeneko then haunt and menace their household.
°Bakeneko is an Original Demon made by Atmo from Shin Megami Tensei series.
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e (Fechado)
« Resposta #21 Online: Agosto 24, 2013, 05:54:12 pm »
Adicionei um "esquema" de HP e dano tirado de um post do fórum de True20.

Citação de: Atmo
Changing some rules. New ones are in green.

[size=150]Yukari Kitsune

A girl with little to lose in this world. Yukari is a youkai hunter and she isn't prone to helping anyone who appealls to her. Yukari goddess is Kuzunoha, a white fox who lives in Shinoda Temple.

Strength 1, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 4, Intellect 4, Awareness 1, Presence 3

Miko Spells [Divine Damage]: Magic 5
     Alt: Divine Heal: Healing 2 [Selective (1) ; Limited (Others, -1); Stabilize]
     Alt: Lesser Shikigami: Summon 6 [90 PP; Heroic (2)]
     Alt: Ofuda Binding: Snare 3
Divine Flight: Flight 2 [Subtle (1)]
Kitsune Senses: Senses 4 [Radius (2), Darkvision (2)]
Irony "Lesser Deity": Strike 6 [Strength-Based]
"Illusion Disaster": Damage 7 [Area Burst Ranged (3)]
Divine Coat: Protection 7

     Strike 5
Standard Equipment
     Dark Coat (0 ep)

Attractive 1, Defensive Attack, Favored Foe [Youkai], Fearless, Improved Initiative 4, Weapon Bind, Hide in Plain Sight, Instant Up, Ranged Attack 4, Equipment 1, Defensive Roll 2

Athletics 6 (+7), Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+10), Deception  (+3), Expertise: Miko History 8 (+12), Expertise: House Chores 4 (+8), Expertise: Youkai 4 (+8), Insight 8 (+9), Intimidation  (+3), Perception 6 (+7), Persuasion  (+3), Ranged Combat: Magic 8 (+12), Ranged Combat: Danmaku 6 (+10), Stealth 8 (+10)

Initiative +18
Punching and Kicking +10, Damage 1d10
Danmaku +10, Damage 1d2
Magic Blast +12, Damage 1d12
Irony "Lesser Deity" +10, Damage 1d12+1d4
"Illusion Disaster" +10, Damage 1d12+1d6

Hit Points 20
Damage Reduction 9
Dodge 8, Parry 6
Fortitude 9, Will 11

Power Points
Abilities 36 + Powers 40 + Advantages 18 + Skills 32 + Defenses 24 = Total 150

Hate: She hates lesser youkai and monsters, it is very difficult to change her opinion about them.
Power Loss: Not being able to talk is dangerous to her.
Addiction: Yukari is a strong addict to tobaco, and must smoke a cigar everyday.
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e (Fechado)
« Resposta #22 Online: Agosto 24, 2013, 09:08:55 pm »
Por que o "fechado" no título?

Achei que algum moderador tivesse bloqueado teu tópico (possivelmente por só ficar copicolando coisas de outros foruns --ou são criações suas mesmo?--), mas pelo jeito não é o caso. :P

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e (Fechado)
« Resposta #23 Online: Agosto 24, 2013, 10:20:51 pm »
Por que o "fechado" no título?

Achei que algum moderador tivesse bloqueado teu tópico (possivelmente por só ficar copicolando coisas de outros foruns --ou são criações suas mesmo?--), mas pelo jeito não é o caso. :P

Sim, são minhas. Algumas não são (como as que foram feitas pelo Saltcrow), mas eu to postando mais no modo Quote por ter postado primeiro no ATT e depois aqui.

O fechado é só porque não to com muita vontade de mexer em M&m de novo.
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #24 Online: Agosto 26, 2013, 08:13:35 pm »
De acordo com o que entendi lá no ATT, Fighting é um "atributo armadilha" que só te fode, melhor recorrer a Close Attack. Presence também, mas pode ser pesadamente abusado com poderes para manipular pessoas usando de Alcance Percepção. Tem outras, vou ver se faço um outro tópico aqui pra isso.

E de ser melhor comprar Perícias em Arrays, não separadamente.
« Última modificação: Agosto 26, 2013, 08:15:38 pm por Konpaku »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #25 Online: Setembro 30, 2013, 03:18:39 pm »

Young Female Samurai

Strength 3, Stamina 5, Agility 3, Dexterity 0, Fighting 1, Intellect 2, Awareness 0, Presence 0

  • Fast Cut: Damage 4
  • Alt: Great Slash: Damage 6 [Alternate Resistance (Will) 1]
  • Alt: Long Slash: Damage 6 [Shape (Burst) 1]
  • Alt: Repetance Slash: Damage 6 [Homing]
  • Alt: Penetrating Slash: Damage 5 [Penetrating 6]
Blade Coat: Energy Aura 5
Leap Technique: Leaping 3
Strong Arms: Power-Lifting 5

     Cut: Damage 2
     Frail Kimono: Protection 2
     Heal Potion: Healing 2, Speed Potion: Super-Speed 4

Accurate Attack, Close Attack 10, Evasion 1, Improved Initiative, Instant Up, Quick Draw, Defensive Roll 4, Equipment 1

Acrobatics 8 (+11), Athletics  (+3), Deception  (+0), Expertise: Light Arcana 8 (+10), Expertise: Swordmanship 8 (+10), Expertise: Advanced Math 8 (+10), Insight  (+0), Intimidation  (+0), Perception  (+0), Persuasion  (+0), Stealth  (+3)

Initiative +3
Katana +11, Damage 2 (2d6)
Fast Cut +11, Damage 4 (6+2d6)
Great Slash +11, Damage 6 (12+2d6)
Long Slash +11, Damage 6 (12+2d6)
Repetance Slash +11, Damage 6 (12+2d6)
Penetrating Slash +11, Damage 5 (9+2d6)

Dodge 5, Parry 11
Toughness 9 (Def Roll 4), Fortitude 10, Will 5
Hit Points 45

Power Points
Abilities 28 + Powers 14 + Advantages 20 + Skills 16 + Defenses 22 = Total 100

Hate towards Light Arcana users

Design Notes
Hit Points
(Stamina+4)*5. As in True20 Alternate Hit Point optional rule.

d20 Damage
(Ranks-2)*3, then +2d6 to create a curve.

d20 Damage Reduction (ladydragonfly suggestion)
Equal to Armor's Protection value. Damage is reduced first then deducted from Hit Points.

Your place of birth was a major city, a well-known location. You were raised by your birth parents, who were merchants of some kind. Some of them met with misfortune, taken by kidnappers, slavers, or raiders, and presumed lost or enslaved.

You have the following siblings:
  • An older sister that you have lost touch with.
  • An adopted older brother that you still keep in touch with, but you're not particularly close.
  • An adopted older sister that you still keep in touch with, but you're not particularly close.
Important Events
You have experienced the following important events:
  • You performed a vital task for a criminal leader and they are in your debt.
  • You became involved in a serious relationship that lasts at least a year.
  • You made a friend, a lesser demonic being. They are an important figure both locally and beyond the immediate area.
  • You made an enemy, an ex-partner in business, crime, or other activities. They can't resist taking verbal swipes at you. They are a somewhat important local figure. The hate springs from a criminal charge, justified or false.
« Última modificação: Setembro 30, 2013, 03:20:26 pm por Konpaku »
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #26 Online: Outubro 08, 2013, 10:24:15 pm »

Derp Tentacle Monster
Found on: Caves
Affiliation: Fera
Lust: 8/10

Strength 5, Stamina 3, Agility 3, Dexterity 0, Fighting 3, Intellect -2, Awareness 3, Presence -1

  • Number: Extra Limbs 10 [Innate 1], Range: Elongation 5 [Linked (Number) 0, Innate 1]
  • Alt: Pound: Damage 3 [Strength based]
  • Alt: Lust Drug: Mind Control 4 [Innate 1]
  • Telepathy: Mind Reading 3 [Subtle 2], Immunity 1 [Innate 1]
Chokehold, Close Attack 8, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Move-by Action, Skill Mastery [Intimidation], Improved Trip, Improved Hold

Athletics 2 (+7), Deception  (-1), Insight 4 (+7), Intimidation 8 (+7), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion  (-1), Sleight of Hand 8 (+8), Stealth  (+3)

Initiative +3
Pound +11, Damage 18+2d6
Lust Drug DC 14 Will
Telepathy DC 13 Will

Dodge 5, Parry 8
Toughness 3 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 7, Will 7
Hit Points 35

Power Points
Abilities 28 + Powers 18 + Advantages 15 + Skills 15 + Defenses 15 = Total 91

Silly looking
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

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Re:Fichas M&M 3e
« Resposta #27 Online: Outubro 12, 2013, 02:17:31 pm »

Ramza Swol
Found on: Ruined Emperor's Chamber
Affiliation: Fera
Lust: 0/10

A monster created to protect the Ruined Emperor's Chamber, a misterious vault full of treasures hidden on a destroyed palace somewhere in Oruja kingdom. It's better to keep away, or those guardians can chop your head off without problem, or destroy your body with a supernatural power that only them can use.

Strength 5, Stamina 8, Agility 3, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 3, Awareness 3, Presence 0

Claws: Damage 6 [Multiattack]
Burrow 4 [Attack, Ranged]
Strength: Power-Lifting 5
Earth Web: Snare 7
Senses 3 [Infravision (Radius), Tracking]
Perfect Slash: Damage 10 [Incurable]
Armor: Protection 8

Close Attack 10, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Initiative 2, Great Endurance, Luck 2

Athletics  (+5), Deception  (+0), Insight  (+3), Intimidation 14 (+14), Perception 14 (+17), Persuasion  (+0), Stealth  (+3)

Initiative +11
Claws +10, Damage 27+2d6
Burrow +0, Damage 6+2d6
Perfect Slash +10, Damage 39+2d6
Snare DC 17

Dodge 12, Parry 9
Toughness 8 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 17, Will 5
Hit Points 70
Damage Reduction 8

Power Points
Abilities 44 + Powers 25 + Advantages 17 + Skills 14 + Defenses 29 = Total 129

Programmed Mind
Can't Talk
OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game, 3D&T, Double Cross.

D&D 5e T.T