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[WoD] White Wolf comprada pela Paradox

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Elven Paladin:
Mais um update na situação:

A Paradox basicamente "renomeou" o New World of Darkness como Chronicles of Darkness, efetivamente separando o World of Darkness (CWoD) do Chronicles of Darkness (Outrora chamado de nWoD). O que isso significa além de uma mudança de nomes? Não muita coisa. Além disso, saiu o "Novo" Livro para Humanos/Outro Livro Básico do CoD. Aqui está a capa dele (Olhe bem ao fundo dela e verá um belo easter egg):

EDIT: E também da EnWord:

It looks that the World of Darkness setting material will feature a shift from America to Europe, which makes sense coming from a publisher based in Europe. This might actually make the buy-in to the setting easier for many American gamers, since it will make the setting, for them, into more of a “fantasy world” and less of the “world outside of your windows.”

In addition to developing the World of Darkness game in-house, it also looks that White Wolf Publishing will also be developing new LARP rules in-house as well. From social media talk on Twitter and Facebook, it looks as though the new rules will take a nod from the traditions of Nordic LARPs, which will be interesting to see. I admit that I have never been one for LARPing, so my knowledge of that area is a hole that I will have to fill up in order to talk about it intelligently in the future.


--- Citar --- Aqui está a capa dele (Olhe bem ao fundo dela e verá um belo easter egg):
--- Fim de citação ---
(click to show/hide)Deus Ex Machina

Elven Paladin:

Sim, é uma composição da capa do World of Darkness e do God Machine Chronicles, com duas engrenagens do God-Machine e o "Olho da Providência" dele ao fundo:

Elven Paladin:
Okay, alguns detalhes levemente inesperados surgem:

Embora tenha anunciado a Quarta Edição de Vampiro, a Onyx Path não será mais a responsável pela "Nova Linha" do (Classic) World of Darkness, mas sim a White Wolf (agora da Paradox). Do blog da Onyx Path:

Last, but by no means least, Onyx Path is continuing to publish the cWoD 20th Anniversary game lines. We will not be publishing the 4th Edition of the WoD game lines as we planned as that effort is being superseded by WWP‘s own efforts in the creation of their One World of Darkness. They may in fact call the next editions of the WoD game books 4th Editions, or they might not, but they absolutely need to be the ones pulling together the threads of WoD and creating a coherent single entity that can then be the cornerstone of the many licensing efforts they are working towards.

E o teaser da Paradox:

Eu... não sei o que pensar disso. Realmente estava gostando do trabalho da Onyx Path com o mundo das trevas... estou com um mal pressentimento sobre a White-Wolf/Paradox começar a mexer no cenário...


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